Welcome To J.R. Kissan College of Education

Labs :

In order to develop a wholesome teacher, theoretical knowledge need to be blended with practical thinking and orientation. To deal with such practical aspect of teacher development, the college has made provision for adequate facilities in the various laboratories developed for this purpose. All the labs are well ventilated with sufficient space, adequate furniture and Black-Boards.

Home Science Lab:

Psychology Lab
As future teachers, these students need to know the various ways to examine the aptitudes, mental level (I.Q), personality, achievement and creativity of the children so that the teacher can know and understand them properly and provide guidance accordingly. The Psychological Tests and other testing equipments provided in this Laboratory will help our future teachers in this direction.

Education Technology Lab
To acquaint the students about the use of latest techniques in teaching, Education Technology Lab has been developed. LCD Projector, Television set, DVD player, latest Slide Projector with remote control, Overhead Projector, slides and transparencies on various subjects, Black-Boards, Blank material for building transparencies and slides are acquired for this purpose. Besides, a separate section on mathematical tools and charts is also available in the lab to help the students to understand complex mathematical problems.

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